Friday, March 30, 2007


My niece is a girl scout and every year she can count on aunt Robin to buy several boxes of girl scout cookies. Lemonades are my new favorite, but we also love the thin mints and peanut butter patties. What's your favorite?


Jenny said...

I'm in the Lemonades camp. Especially since they discontinued the delicious low fat lemon cookies they used to sell. I can't remember the name of them, but I could eat a whole box no problem. Nice colors in this shot. Well done.

Dar Kaso said...

Fun shot of the GS cookies. Love the Samoas and Peanutbutter Patties.

Sue said...

SAMOAS!!!!! Then the shortbread cookies and thin mints (frozen of course)... Fun picture!

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know there was a Lemonade cookie. I will have to look for that next year. I am a fan of Samoas! Mmmmmm!!! I really like all the colors you captured in your shot. Also like your composition. TFS

Lauren Hartman said...

Trefoils all the way for me. I'm a traditionalist. But, we don't have the lemon ones here (that I know of), if we did, they might be my faves! DH and DS like the Samoas and the Thin Mints.

Michelle said...

oh yum! i need to get me a girl scout cookie fix! the peanut butter ones are my fav. great take on the theme!

AmyC said...

This is a great shot of an ordinary object. I like the way you set it up, and I love your composition.

Personally, my favorites are thin mints. :-)

Patti said...

Great composition. I love the crisp sharp colours in all your pics. Fabulous.