Thursday, May 10, 2007


This is a stretch for the theme of weather this week! Here is ds #2 girlfriend holding a vintage umbrella. She spends a lot of time at our house (she's very sweet and we enjoy having her), so I asked her to be my subject. I am working on the assignment using flash for my photography class and wanted something interesting as background. Is it too distracting?


Lauren Hartman said...

These are really fun and cute, and I don't think the umbrella is too distracting at all. Great job! I would have liked to see them with the flash dialed down a bit more though, to give off a softer light.

Joanne Fowler said...

I love it! What a cute "backdrop" idea!

Trisha said...

No I don't think it's distracting. I actually think it's pretty cool perspective on them!

Sue said...

Beautiful girl. Love the colors and what a neat umbrealla. Great prop. I think you did a great job iwth the theme!