Thursday, January 17, 2008


Before. . .

After. . .

We love to play these kinds of strategy games at our house. DS #2 got this one for Christmas. Blokus can be played by a wide range of ages, it's easy to learn and goes fairly quickly. Each player chooses a color and must start by placing their first piece in a corner, then take turns adding pieces, only corners of your color can touch.

I am not very experienced with photoshop, but I'm taking a class at our local community college starting next week. What I've learned so far has been from all the helpful peas, reading tutorials and books. On my before and after examples, I adjusted exposure by .6, smart sharpend, and added border. Still not real happy with WB, I used custom white balance on these and need to practice that some more!


Toni said...

Love your pp on this. I have never heard of that game before. I must be in the stone ages.tfs... Toni

Kristi said...

Okay, this is totally a game I would LOVE! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I really love your edits on these...I like the perspective on the last photo!

Val said...

Nice job brightening it up!

Sara said...

Nice shot, and nice fix. It looks like a really fun game. I may have to go pick that one up.

amazing grace said...

ooh, this looks like a fun game! thanks for the tip! i haven't heard of it before--but love strategy games like this....great job lightening the photo, too!

Stacey said...

Fun! We still haven't even opened some of the games we got for Christmas.

Michelle said...

i think you did a great job playing with this. the colors look great.

Mom2Drew said...

Wow...that game looks GREAT! I'm going to get this soon and your PPing looks good too.

Amy said...

I like what you did here, looks brighter. I need to take a PS class too, I know nothing!

Bobbi said...

Great pp here....this does look fun, I have never heard of it before now.

pat said...

Great idea. You have a nice eye for creative POV, and it really is effective in these shots. Looks like a fun game, too!

tori said...

nice shot and a really good edit! This looks like a fun game!

Becky said...

What nice bright colors. I like your angle in these shots too.

Margaret said...

I've heard this game is really fun! Love your colors!

Danielle said...

Sounds like a fun game, I love strategy games. good color.

Mandy said...

Thank you so much for sharing. I had never even heard of this game before, but it looks awesome.

Your PP really turned out well.

Suzy said...

I like your SOOC and edits just about the same! Very fun and colorful photos!