Monday, February 16, 2009

Vintage Button Valentine

Here is the finished project. It is a copy of the original button sewing card from the 1950's. I bought these cards at a vintage barn boutique. They were used to teach young girls how to sew. It's now hanging on the cork board in my craft room.


Anonymous said...

How cool a flash from the past. Nice job. TFS!

Reds said...

That is too cute!! TFS!

Becky Anderson said...

That is really cute! You did a great job!

Suzy said...

How cute! I had to click and enlarge the photo to see all that detail!

Meaghan said...

That's so cute! Great job.

Lauren Hartman said...

This is just too cute!

Jo said...

Lovely, such a creative way of making button flowers.

Mandy said...

You are so crafty and I think its adorable. I love the little details.

Becky said...

That is so pretty! It looks great as your blog header too!

Margaret said...

That is awseome! I love it!