Friday, May 25, 2007

Meet Brinkley . . .

This is Brinkley. He is a 6 month old Westipoo (1/2 westie and 1/2 poodle) and he is very active. He belongs to one of my best friends and she let me come over to play and take photos.

He looks like he is posing in this first one.

Then we went outside to play. The neighbor girls just love him!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Another Bridal Shower

Our nephew is getting married in June, so the aunts got together to host a bridal shower. We had the traditional cake and gift opening, then my S-I-L gave us all country line dancing lessons. Even though I'm not much of a country music fan, I had a great time learning the steps and everyone seemed to be laughing and having fun. Now - we just have to remember the steps until the wedding reception dance! We decorated the table with fresh sunflowers and other "cowgirl" items.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Geraniums . . .

This is an herb called Borage. I love how the petals and leaves look like a perfect star.

I went to a local greenhouse for some plants for the yard and saw these geraniums that reminded me of my childhood. My grandmother always had red geraniums in her yard and the sight and scent of these reminds me of carefree summer days and visits to grandmas house. Great memories!

These are the first pictures I've taken with my new Canon 60mm macro lens I got for mother's day. I think I'm going to like it!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


This is a stretch for the theme of weather this week! Here is ds #2 girlfriend holding a vintage umbrella. She spends a lot of time at our house (she's very sweet and we enjoy having her), so I asked her to be my subject. I am working on the assignment using flash for my photography class and wanted something interesting as background. Is it too distracting?

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Prairie Sun

The theme for this week is weather. We have had a lot of rain around here the past week and this is a late afternoon shot of the clouds finally breaking up! I love how the sun rays are shining through the clouds and the prairie grasses are beginning to green up. We should have a mostly sunny day today!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Office

This is my label printer. I can print using process or spot colors with resin ribbon. The labels come on big rolls and they feed through this machine as they are printing and get rewound onto a core so they can later be applied to bottles.

We have a bottled water equipment manufacturing business and one of the jobs I do is print custom bottled water labels. Customers can design their own labels or let me give them ideas. I enjoy it, especially when I get to design a cute label like this ladybug birthday one. Not as much fun doing more serious, boring labels, like for a bank!

I took these photos using the pop-up flash on my Canon Rebel xti. There is a window to the photo left, so some natural light. We are learning about dedicated flash in my photography class.